Cub Scouts
(Ages 8-11)
Our Program
The entire scouts program is run using the same general methods and aims and is adapted to be age appropriate. Our youth progress through the program as they move through each section. You’ll find information on our program and methods HERE.
Weekly Meetings
Our cubs meet on Monday nights during school term. Their meetings cover a range of activities including STEM, outdoors activities, sport, bushcraft, construction, cooking and craft. Meetings are designed to be inclusive and fun and aim to develop skills, promote social interaction and allow our cubs to try their hands at a broad range of activities.
Camping is an essential part of the Scouts program. Our cubs typically camp 4 times a year with the whole unit. The cubs love being in the outdoors, and explore a broad range of outdoor activities including water activities at the beach or on a lake, hikes, bushcraft and cooking.
Special Activities
Cubs are often engaged in special weekend activities aimed to develop their skills and a love of the outdoors including bush walks, cycling, community events like attending ANZAC day events and are regular attendees at various adventurous activities like abseiling and mountain biking.
Our approach to leadership and youth development
At this age, adult leaders have ultimate responsibility for the delivery of our program and so you can expect to find our leaders in a hands-on role at every activity. Our leaders are responsible for the welfare of our cubs as well as for imparting skills and expertise. We focus on giving the youth the skills they require to continue their journey in scouting.
The youth guide our program with a select group being appointed to leadership roles on our Unit Council. All of our youth are given leadership opportunities at every stage and Leaders work with them to develop their skills both with formal and informal training. While not all cubs will choose to be in a leadership position, all of them will be given opportunities to develop their leadership skills.