Joey Scouts
(Aged 5-7)
Joey Scouts is the exciting beginning of a child’s Scouting journey. Our program introduces them to Scouting values, fostering curiosity, teamwork, and community engagement.
Through age-appropriate activities emphasising fun, creativity, and exploration, Joey Scouts develop essential social and life skills like cooperation, respect, responsibility and a love of the outdoors through games, crafts, adventures and activities. Our inclusive approach encourages teamwork, friendship building, and a strong sense of belonging within our local community.
Weekly Meetings:
Joeys meet at our hall every Tuesday night during the school term for a one hour program. Our term program typically revolves around a theme. Previous topics have included “colours of the rainbow”, “our bodies”, “space”, and “unique environments”. Our program is crafted around this theme and introduces them to essential Scouting and personal development skills. From building rockets to police visits, cooking on a fire, growing grass heads, reading a compass, and embarking on scavenger hunts, our Joey Scouts enjoy a world of excitement and learning.
Outdoor Adventures and Special Activities:
To enhance their skills, our Joey Scouts go on adventures outside of the Scout Hall. Our Joeys have experienced weekend adventures such as sailing, sleep overs, rock climbing, camps and abseiling courses. The pinnacle event for Joeys is called “Kangaree” - here, Joey Scouts from all around Victoria camp together to enjoy two days of exciting activities and forge life-long friendships.
Our Approach To Leadership:
In this section, the program is mostly delivered by our team of trained Leaders. As our program is youth-led and adult-supported, even at this age, our Youth have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and guide the program. Joey Scouts are encouraged to lead a game of their choice, contribute ideas to the program and help younger Joey Scouts learn our Scouting Methods.
Our program is developed to meet the needs and interests of the Youth Members in the group. We incorporate their ideas into the weekly programs and give them a genuine sense of responsibility and authority over their program. Our focus is on building resilience and independence and encouraging them to develop strong social relationships with their peers and interpersonal skills. Our job is to set them up for a lifetime of involvement in Scouting and so having fun, trying new things and learning Scouting skills are our primary focuses.